Untitled Document
COURSE - 2; "Medical Thoracoscopy"
COURSE - 3; "Endobronchial treatments"
Chairing: |
Heinrich Becker (Germany), Ergun
Tozkoparan (Turkey) |
09:00 |
History- What is EBUS? How was it
Heinrich Becker (Germany) |
09:20 |
Types, differences and technical
Ergun Tozkoparan (Turkey) |
09:40 |
When conventional TBNA, when EBUS-TBNA?
Is each institution that rich?
Semra Bilaceroglu (Turkey) |
10:00 |
Radial EBUS: indications,
Noriaki Kurimoto (Japan) |
10:20-10:50 |
Break |
10:50 |
Convex EBUS: indications,
Heinrich Becker (Germany) |
11:10 |
Should EUS be combined with EBUS?
Complete mediastinal staging?
Kazuhiro Yasufuku (Canada) |
11:30 |
EBUS in granulomatous diseases-
When to use EBUS?
Rosa Cordovilla (Spain) |
11:50 |
EBUS in mediastinal tumors- Can
we really make a diagnosis?
Ralph Eberhardt (Germany) |
12:10 |
Discussion |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00-17:00 |
Coordinators: Kazuhiro Yasufuku (Canada), Ralph
Eberhardt (Germany), Noriaki Kurimoto (Japan) |
Conventional TBNA
Rocco Trisolini (Italy), Elif Küpeli (Turkey), Rosa Cordovilla (Spain) |
Convex EBUS
Kazuhiro Yasufuku (Canada), Ralph Eberhardt (Germany), Semra Bilaceroglu
(Turkey) |
Radial EBUS
Noriaki Kurimoto (Japan), Sinem Sökücü (Turkey), Ergun Tozkoparan
(Turkey) |
Chairing |
Philippe Astoul (France), Muzaffer
Metintas (Turkey) |
09:00 |
History: From where to where?
Julius Janssen (The Netherlands) |
09:20 |
Instruments and equipment
Ales Rozman (Slovenia) |
09:40 |
Patient selection, indications
and preparation
Ales Rozman (Slovenia) |
10:00 |
Malignant pleural effusion
Philippe Astoul (France) |
10:20 |
Break |
10:40 |
Muzaffer Metintas (Turkey) |
11:00 |
Julius Janssen (The Netherlands) |
11:20 |
Thoracoscopic appearances:
differences, similarities
Marios Froudorakis (Greece) |
11:40 |
Postprocedure and follow-up
Marios Froudorakis (Greece) |
12:00 |
Discussion |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00-17:00 |
Coordinators: Philippe Astoul (France), Julius Janssen (The Netherlands),
Muzaffer Metintas (Turkey) |
Marios Froudorakis (Greece)
Ales Rozman (Slovenia)
Muzaffer Metintas (Turkey) |
Chairing: |
Herve Dutau (France), Levent Dalar (Turkey) |
09:00 |
Interventional bronchoscopy unit- Is all necessary?
Syed Arshad Husain (UK) |
09:20 |
Interventional bronchoscopy- Which patient, which disease and which
Lina Zuccatosta (Italy) |
09:40 |
Tips and hints for successful treatment of airway obstruction
Herve Dutau (France) |
10:00 |
Break |
10:30 |
Diagnostic and therapeutic approach to benign tumors
Levent Dalar (Turkey) |
10:50 |
Diagnostic and therapeutic approach to carcinoids
Jean Michel Vergnon (France) |
11:10 |
Complications and solutions
Lina Zuccatosta (Italy) |
11:30 |
History: From Killian to Dumon, from Dumon to today
Heinrich Becker (Germany) |
11:50 |
Discussion |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00-17:00 |
Coordinators: Herve Dutau, Levent Dalar (Turkey) |
Herve Dutau (France), Levent Dalar
(Turkey) (stents, rigid bronchoscopy) |
Syed Arshad Husain (UK), Lina
Zuccatosta (Italy) (electrocautery, cryotherapy) |