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24 Kasım 2018

COPD MED2 International Symposium 2018 gerçekleştirildi.

Değerli Meslektaşlarımız,

COPD MED2 International Symposium 2018 katılımcıların yoğun ilgisiyle gerçekleştirildi.


Owing to its progressively increasing prevalence, COPD is a global problem anticipated to take the top third place among the most frequent causes of mortality in 2020.

Also as an important cause of increasing health expenditures in many societies, it has become the focus of research particularly in the recent years. Accumulation of rapidly increasing scientific knowledge in the field of COPD cannot be adequately reflected to the clinicians at general congress and meeting environments. This symposium will provide the possibility of sharing and discussing many topics with the participants in detail and depth.

COPD-Med Symposium - organized by Turkish Respiratory Society (TRS) and Italian Association of Hospital Pneumologists (AIPO)

With its scientific program in which speakers from eight Mediterranean and East European countries have partaken besides Turkey and Italy, this symposium can be a good initiative for the constitution of a regional scientific platform. Being held in the city which is known as the first university city in Europe, this meaningful meeting will leave indelible memories in the minds of all participants.

Here are the main details as the first step:

Meeting venue and date:
Bologna- Italy, 23-24 November
StarHotel Exelcior Bologna


Arzu Mirici President, TRS, Turkey
Venerino Poletti President, AIPO, Italy
Can Öztürk Symposium Chair, TRS
Semra Bilaçeroğlu Chair, Foreign Affairs,TRS


Prof. Semra Bilaceroglu [email protected]
Zeynep Ozfirinci [email protected] Tel: 90 532 6088572
Debora Tassinari [email protected]


Alexandru Corlateanu (Moldova) Mario Cazzola (AIPO-Italy)
Bruno Balbi (AIPO-Italy) Maria Simon (RSP- Romania)
Branislava Milenkovic (RSS-Serbia) Neven Tudoric (CRS & CMA-Croatia)
Claudio Micheletto (AIPO-Italy) Oğuz Köktürk (TRS-Turkey)
Dragana Jovanovic (RSS-Serbia) Renato Erzen (SRS-Slovenia)
Esra Uzaslan (TRS-Turkey) Ruxandra Ulmeanu (RSP-Romania)
Gazi Gülbaş (TRS-Turkey) Seda Tural Önür (TRS-Turkey)
Fatma Yıldırım (TRS-Turkey) Sevinç Sarınç Ulaşlı (TRS-Turkey)
Florin Mihaltan (RSP-Romania) Şevket Özkaya (TRS-Turkey)
Grigoris Stratakos (Greece) Stavros Tryfon (HS-ROCD-Greece)
Hakan Günen (TRS-Turkey) Stefano Gasparini (AIPO-Italy)
Joanna Chorostowska (Poland) Sanja Dimic Janjic (RSS-Serbia)


Turkish Respiratory Society (TRS)
Italian Association of Hospital Pneumologists (AIPO)


Symposium is organized by the Turkish Respiratory Society (TRS) and Italian Association of Hospital Pneumologists (AIPO). The symposium is scientifically supported by participation of faculty also from Hellenic Society of Respiratory and Occupational Chest Diseases (HSROCD), Croatian Respiratory Society (CRS), Slovenian Respiratory Society (SRS), Respiratory Society of Serbia (RSS), Polish Respiratory Society (PRS) and Romanian Society of Pneumology (RSP). Symposium language is English. As the number of participants will be kept quite limited, it is important to apply timely for registration.


Day 1 - November 23, 2018
08.30 - 08.45 Opening Ceremony
  Prof. Arzu Mirici TRS Presiden
  Prof. Venerino Poletti AIPO President
  Prof. Can Ozturk Symposium Chair
08.45 - 10.15 Opening Plenary Session
  Session Chairs: Arzu Mirici, Venerino Poletti
  • Air pollution, climate change, chronic airways diseases - What to know? Ruxandra Ulmeanu (RSP- Romania)
  • COPD and microbiota - Florin Mihaltan (RSP- Romania)
  • COPD and problem of early diagnosis - Neven Tudoric (CRS& CMA - Croatia)
  • Reversibility testing- How much it helps ? - Esra Uzaslan (TRS- Turkey)
  • Discussion & QA
10.15 - 10.30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:30 Plenary Session 1 A/ B
  A / Session Chairs: Stefano Gasparini, Mukadder Çalıkoğlu
  • COPD and comorbidities- Is COPD only COPD? - Stavros Tryfon (HSROCDGreece)
  • Relation of COPD phenotypes and current clinical practice - Stefano Gasparini (AIPO- Italy)
  • Sleep-disordered breathing and COPD - Oğuz Köktürk (TRS - Turkey)
  B / Session Chairs: Can Öztürk / Joanna Chorostowska
  • Challenges in characterization and approach to COPD frequent exacerbator phenotype in clinical practice – Renato Erzen (SRS- Slovenia)
  • Management of COPD exacerbations - Joanna Chorostowska (Poland)
  • Discussion & QA
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break & Industry Networking
13.30 - 16.00 Workshop 1 : Case presentations & Discussions
  Moderator: Esra Ertan Yazar
  • COPD and personal management in outpatient clinic – Evren Canel Karakaş (TRS- Turkey)
  • COPD in inpatient clinic - Dr. Gazi Gülbaş (TRS- Turkey)
Day 2 - November 24, 2018
08.30 - 09.45 Plenary Session 2
  Session Chairs: Can Öztürk, Claudio Micheletto
  • Prevention of exacerbations in COPD – Sanja Dimic Janjic (RSS- Serbia)
  • Place of corticosteroids in COPD treatment - Claudio Micheletto (AIPO - Italy)
  • Discussion & QA
09.45 - 11.00 Plenary Session 3
  Session Chairs: Mario Cazzola, Mecit Süerdem
  • Guidelines and COPD treatment - Alexandru Corlateanu (Moldova)
  • Treatment nonadherence in COPD patients - Hakan Günen (TRS - Turkey)
  • Triple vs dual therapies in COPD - Mario Cazzola (Italy)
  • Discussion & QA
11.00 - 11.15 Coffee Break
11.15 - 11.45 Mini Conference
  Session Chair: Funda Coşkun, Maria Simon
  • Immune checkpoints in COPD and pulmonary fibrosis - Dragana Jovanovic (RSS- Serbia)
11.45 - 12.45 Plenary Session 4
  Session Chairs: Stefano Gasparini, Semra Bilaçeroğlu
  • Noninvasive ventilation for acute exacerbations of COPD - Fatma Yıldırım (TRS - Turkey)
  • Emphysema management in the era of precision medicine: BLVR& beyond - Grigoris Stratakos (Greece)
  • Nutrition and pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD - Bruno Balbi (AIPO- Italy)
  • Discussion & QA
12.45 - 13.30 Lunch Break & Industry Networking
13.30 - 16.00 Workshop 2: Case presentations & Discussions
  Moderator: Mustafa Özhan
  • COPD in emergency department - Seda Tural Önür (TRS- Turkey)
  • End-stage COPD - Şevket Özkaya (TRS- Turkey)



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